Our monthly collection is for the Eureka Home. We are thankful to have a wonderful place that cares deeply for our loved ones. Please consider supporting the home this month.
There will be a special evening for the young group girls this coming Tuesday evening at Joan Plattner’s home starting at 6:00 pm that will include dinner and a macramé craft. The topic of “Respecter of Persons” will wrap up the podcast series for 2019. Looking forward to all being together for an evening of inspiration while enjoying the gift of food, friends, and fellowship.
The guys will be having their Bible study at Bro. Nathan Zobrist’s home starting at 7 pm.
All church Christmas caroling will be Friday, December 6th at 6pm. Sign-up sheets are at the message center. Please see Sisters Sarah or Ashley Schieler with any questions.
We will be having services at the Eureka Home each Sunday morning in December starting at 8:50 am. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Thanksgiving services will be this Thursday the 28th starting at 10 am. This will cancel our normal Wednesday evening services.
We plan to read the memorandum December 1st in the afternoon and Bro. Bruce Endress plans to be here to help with that.
Our Church vision is “a body of believers, bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and His Word, reflecting God’s love, grace, and truth” and our purpose is “To glorify God by loving as Jesus loves” Since we have established our Vision and Purpose we are planning to form a vision group to look at our Goodfield congregations present activities and ministries to ensure alignment with our purpose and vision and to strengthen them and also to see if there are any areas where we are lacking. If any Brother or Sister would be interested in serving in this group please let Bro. Jeff Grimm know in the near future. We hope to get as many in our church family as possible involved in this effort in some way or another.
Note from Sis. Lynn Wiegand: I would first like to thank everyone for your prayers, cards, emails since my cancer diagnosis. I have really felt God’s love through you all. I am completely finished with my chemo & radiation treatments and will be having surgery this Wednesday. Please pray for my surgeon so that my surgery is successful & recovery is quick. Thank you & I love you all!
We rejoice with Bro. Keith & Sis. Perri Grimm as they were blessed with a baby girl, Vivian Ruth on November 22nd.
Sunday School item for November: Office/Computer Paper (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (12/1): Robert Rokey & Jacob Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church