Our giving for the month of December will go to the General Fund. This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery along with the Global Apostolic Christian Brotherhood operations fund.
Rotating potluck is in need of 6 hosts in the 4th quarter of 2020. Please see Jeremy or Sis. Joni Zacha if you are interested.
There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening.
All church Christmas caroling will be this Friday, December 6th at 6pm. Sign-up sheets are at the message center. Please see Sisters Sarah or Ashley Schieler with any questions.
We will be having services at the Eureka Home each Sunday morning in December starting at 8:50am. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Our Sunday School Christmas program will be this coming Sunday, December 8th in place of afternoon services.
Our Church vision is “a body of believers, bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and His Word, reflecting God’s love, grace, and truth” and our purpose is “To glorify God by loving as Jesus loves” Since we have established our Vision and Purpose we are planning to form a vision group to look at our Goodfield congregation’s present activities and ministries to ensure alignment with our purpose and vision and to strengthen them and also to see if there are any areas where we are lacking. If any brother or sister would be interested in serving in this group please let Bro. Jeff Grimm know in the near future. We hope to get as many in our church family as possible involved in this effort in some way or another.
Note from Bro. Jake and Sis. Mary Wettstein: Words cannot express our deep appreciation for the love and prayerful support you have shared with our family in the loss of Jake's mother. We love you all and may God bless each and every one of you!
Note from Bro. Mike and Sis. Lila Wirtz: They would like to ask for your prayers this week for their daughter Katie. She is to have surgery Wednesday to follow her chemo treatments and they are thankful for a praying, loving church family. Your prayers mean so much!
Katie’s address:
Katie Chen
895 Tucana Dr.
San Marcos, CA 92078
We rejoice with Luke & Rachel Lowery as they were blessed with a baby girl, Leah Ann on November 26th.
Sunday School Item for December: Colored Pencils, Crayons, Markers (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (12/8): Jacob Wiegand & Nathan Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church