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2019 November 17 Announcements

Roxy Blunier • November 18, 2019

Our monthly collection is for the Eureka Home. We are thankful to have a wonderful place that cares deeply for our loved ones. Please consider supporting the home this month.

We are having the Adult Bible study series at the Fellowship Hall this month each Sunday morning starting at 10am. Bro. Nathan plans to teach. Please feel free to invite a friend or neighbor.

Women Helping Women - evening event for Goodfield Church women will be this Tuesday, November 19 at the Fellowship Hall from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.  Please join us as we get together for a dinner, followed by cutting and tying fleece blankets for the Empower Life Center (formally the Women's Pregnancy Center) at the Fellowship Hall. We will also be collecting items for the layette kits the center gives to newborns whose mom has come to the center (See details below).  All ages who can participate and are welcome (moms can decide if their young daughter is old enough to come.) Please see Sis. Brittany Zeltwanger or Ellie Gramm if you have any questions.

Below we have listed the items for the layette kits. Most of the women served by the Empower Life Center do not receive a baby shower before having a new baby. They really look forward to receiving the layette kits while they’re still in the hospital, and the center can always use kits or even single items donated! All items need to be new. If you would like, you can make a kit by yourself or make one with another person or group of people or just bring in a few items. EVERYTHING will be used by babies who are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Savior!

2 bottles with nipples

1 blanket sleeper

3 pairs of socks

1-2 outfits

2 sleepers

2 bibs

4 onesies

2 receiving blankets


3 misc. (toy, baby spoon, sippy cups, etc)

reg. size pkg. diapers (NB or size 1)

2 toiletries (shampoo, wash, diaper cream, etc—no powder)

**If you bring a completed kit, please decide if it will be for a boy or girl.

**All clothing items should be NB or 0-3 month sizes

**Other items needed: Infant or Newborn Enfamil— DIRE NEED, reg. size pkg. diapers (NB,1,4,5)

There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening.

Bro. Kent will be covering our last conference topic (Ye are the Salt of the Earth) this Wednesday evening.

All church Christmas caroling will be Friday, December 6th at 6pm. Sign-up sheets are at the message center. Please see Sisters Sarah or Ashley Schieler with any questions.

We plan to have the fall memorandum on Sunday afternoon December 1st. Bro. Bruce Endress plans to be with us.

We are planning to have testimonies and baptisms for Doug Glueck and Savannah and Jonas Wiegand on January 25-26th. Bro. Lynn Stieglitz plans to be with us.

It is planned that Lillian will be returned home on December 20th. Bro. Ross and Sis. Kitty and their family would really appreciate your prayers.

Bro. Wayne Banwart (elder in Champaign) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer recently.  He’s been going through treatments but as you know that’s a very serious disease.  Please be very prayerful for the Champaign church and Bro. Wayne.  This could affect our church in another way as Wayne and the brothers there have asked Bro. Jeff Grimm to help in Champaign if need be.  They do have an ordained deacon, Bro. Brian Waibel and we are prayerful that maybe they will begin the elder process there the beginning of the year. Depending on how things go for Wayne they might need some additional help from Bro. Jeff & Sis. Ruth.  Bro. Jeff will keep us informed.

Bro. Frank Sauder (Roanoke) contacted Bro. Jeff Grimm, Bro. Trent Meiss (Eureka), and Bro. Zach Anderson & Bro. Rick Plattner (Congerville) and they’ve agreed as 4 local churches that there will be an announcement in this week’s Thursday Woodford County Journal letting people know that we have church services on Thanksgiving Day and that they are welcome to attend any of the four churches.

Note from Frank Sauder to the churches:

I am sad that a day that has been historically set aside to give God thanks is now focused on feasting, watching football and Black Friday shopping.  The greatest disappointment is that hardly any churches offer a worship service on Thanksgiving Day.  While those in our communities know that we meet on Sunday and Wednesday night, they are not aware that we have continued the tradition of worshiping on Thanksgiving Day even though it has been pretty much discontinued throughout Woodford County and the nation.  I think it would be a blessing to make it known that worship on Thanksgiving Day is important and that all are welcome.

Let’s welcome any and all who may attend with us especially if we get some extra visitors and show them the love of Jesus Christ.

Sunday School item for November:  Office/Computer Paper (ADDWC)

Ramp Doors next Sunday (11/24):  Matt Grimm & Robert Rokey

By Roxy Blunier April 27, 2020
April is our Charity Fund collection so we will continue that through the end of the month. Please reach out to the charity committee if you know of someone in need. Sis. Jill Wagner wishes to let everyone know she is making face masks for friends and family. These are available at no charge (adult size only so far…). Please contact Sis. Jill if you want any. There will be separate young group girls and guys Bible studies this Tuesday evening starting at 7:00 pm. Check your email for an invitation to connect with zoom. Hope to see you all. Cole Zeller and Sabrina Glueck's Wedding - May 3, 2020 To our dear church family. Because of the current shelter in place mandate, the plans for Bro. Cole Zeller and Sis. Sabrina Glueck's wedding plans have changed. They will still be getting married May 3 at 11:00 am but with a very small amount of people. If you would like to watch the wedding live, you can go to the Goodfield AC Church website ( ) and click the "Watch Live" tab. You can also listen in on the website or AC Central. Our hope is, Lord willing, to have a reception at a later date. If you would have gifts that you have already purchased for them to start their new home, you can contact Bro. Cole (309-678-8096) or Sis. Sabrina (309-267-5676) via text or call to make arrangements to drop them off. We have so appreciated the loving thoughts, texts, emails, cards and prayers we have received this past few weeks. Although we sometimes don't understand what is going on currently in the world, God does know, and it is Him who we completely trust! You should have received an email about the CARES act this week with biblical principles to consider. Bro. James Fehr from Tremont had a very nice talk about it on April 15th that you can listen to on AC Central. There will also be an Around the Table podcast on this subject as well. Our Zoom fellowship meetings will begin this week. Your group leader will be reaching out to you to set a time. Thanks to all who signed up. We are looking forward to seeing your faces and having some quality time together. Sis. Gretchen Zimmerman’s dad recently passed away. Please be prayerful for the Vietti and Zimmerman family during this time of loss. We are very thankful Jim recognized Jesus as his savior. We are very thankful that Reggie Plattner is at peace with God and desires baptism. Please pray for Reggie and encourage him during this most important time in his life. If you have any words of encouragement or concerns, please contact him. We are so thankful for surrendered hearts. Note from Elder Committee: This letter is to share our change in plans (due to COVID-19) for the August General Conference which was scheduled to be hosted by our Rittman, OH congregation. As an Elder Body, we appreciate the opportunity to communicate with the church during our General Conference. And while we are sharing with you that we are canceling the in-person Thursday evening Elder/Minister Meeting and Friday General Conference this year at Rittman , the Agenda Committee is working on alternative approaches for us to communicate with the Church in August. We would ask each of you to be prayerful as they seek to discern the Holy Spirit’s direction so that we can still “gather together” in a way that is “decent and in good order.” At this point, we have not made a decision regarding an in-person Elder Meeting this August. Lord willing, we plan on determining the appropriate path forward for the Elder Meeting by mid-June. We trust this decision, which was made prayerfully and carefully, reflects the Holy Spirit’s direction, as well as an understanding of the current and near future “reassembling of large gatherings” realities across the United States. We appreciate the efforts of the Rittman brethren that have been underway over the last year to be prepared for the upcoming Conference, and trust that the way will open for us to assemble with them at a General Conference in 2021. Our prayer is that " your love may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God " (Phil. 1:9-11). The Elder Committee
By Roxy Blunier April 19, 2020
April is our Charity fund collection so we will continue that through the end of the month. Please reach out to the charity committee if you know of someone in need.Cole Zeller and Sabrina Glueck's Wedding - May 3, 2020To our dear church family. Because of the current shelter in place mandate, the plans for Bro.
By Roxy Blunier April 12, 2020
April is our Charity fund collection so we will continue that through the end of the month. Please reach out to the charity committee if you know of someone in need.The new dinner list is complete. A current copy is on our church website and also hanging by the coffee maker at church.
By Roxy Blunier April 5, 2020
Thank you for your generous donations to the special Charity fund collection. $34,000 has been donated so far.April is our normal Charity fund collection so we will continue that through the end of the month. Please reach out to the charity committee if you know of someone in need.The new dinner list is complete.
By Roxy Blunier April 5, 2020
Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund.  This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.There is also a special Charity fund collection at this time for the needs that are arising. These funds will be used to help those in our community and church family who have a need.
By Roxy Blunier March 23, 2020
Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund. This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.There is also a special Charity fund collection at this time for the needs that are arising. These funds will be used to help those in our community and church family who have a need.
By Roxy Blunier March 10, 2020
Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund.  This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.The new Church/minister directories are at the information center. There are plenty of them for you to take as many as you want for your use.We will be having Sunday morning services at the home this month starting at 8:45am.
By Roxy Blunier March 2, 2020
Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.The current dinner list is ending mid-April.
By Roxy Blunier March 2, 2020
Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund.  This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.We will be having Sunday morning services at the home this month starting at 8:45am. Everyone is welcome to attend to support our many residents at the home in Eureka.There will be ACTIVE  this week.The current dinner list is ending mid-April.
By Roxy Blunier February 17, 2020
Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.There will be ACTIVE this week.HarvestCall Projects has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 25th.The annual benefit auction and bake sale for the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka is on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the Eureka Middle Sc...
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