Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.
The current dinner list is ending mid-April. Please let Sis. Deb Fehr know if you are wanting to add your name to the list, or delete your name from the list.
HarvestCall Projects have been rescheduled to this Tuesday, February 25th.
It's time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please get them to Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier or Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter. Thanks!
The Young Group girls’ Bible study will be held this coming Tuesday starting at 7:00pm in the Gathering Room. As our physical heart beats and pumps life into our bodies, so is our spiritual heart the core lifeline into our souls. This month’s study will cover reasons and ways to exercise your physical and spiritual heart. Bring your Bible, and hope to see you there.
The guys’ Bible study will be at Bro. Dan and Sis. Heidi Schumacher’s home at the same time.
There will be a 3 couple church wedding shower for Drew Gerber and Taylor Wiegand, Felix and Audrey Ruegsegger, and Rob Rieke and Melissa McGregor on Saturday, March 14 from 9-10 AM in the Gathering Room. Please bring $5-10 and a paper product for each couple.
The Eureka Home Auxiliary Board has a need for and would really appreciate Auction Items. In years past Meals and Services have been the most popular items ... for suggestions please see the list on the bulletin board or talk to sisters Missy Post, Jill Wagner, or Jenise Wiegand.
This year for the Sunrise Service, the committee would like to invite anyone in our Goodfield church family who has an interest in sharing a reading or song at this year's service to please reach out to us with what you would like to share. The theme is "Our Living Hope," and will be on April 12th. Please email us at brennamarie8@hotmail.com by March 1st if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions!
Sunday School Item for March: Canned Fruits & Small Jars of Pasta Sauce (Heart House)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (3/1): Sam Plattner & Art Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church