Our monthly collection is for the Eureka Home. We are thankful to have a wonderful place that cares deeply for our loved ones. Please consider supporting the home this month.
We are having the Adult Bible study series at the Fellowship Hall this month each Sunday morning starting at 10am. Bro. Nathan plans to teach. Please feel free to invite a friend or neighbor.
Thanks for your support and efforts at the Eureka Home Benefit dinner. Over $20,000 was raised to support our residents.
The Auction Committee would like to thank everyone who helped with the Hospital Lumiere auction - both as a worker and as a generous donor. The evening was very well attended. Many of you may have noticed Goodfield Sunday School children working to clear tables and help with the dinner. We are grateful for servant hearts and parents who were willing to bring their kids to help. The ability and enthusiasm of the kids was commented on by many people. It is a joy to see young people helping in service to the Lord.
Women Helping Women - evening event for Goodfield Church women. Tuesday, November 19 , 2019 at the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to bring your school age daughters to this event. Please sign up today if you are coming.
All church Christmas caroling will be Friday, December 6th at 6pm. Sign-up sheets are at the message center. Please see Sisters Sarah or Ashley Schieler with any questions.
We plan to read the memorandum December 1st in the afternoon and Bro. Bruce Endress plans to be here to help with that.
We are planning to have testimonies and baptisms for Doug Glueck and Savannah and Jonas Wiegand on January 25-26th. Bro. Lynn Stieglitz plans to be with us.
Thanks to all of you for the prayers regarding Bro. Roger Gerber and his back surgery. The surgery went well. The surgeon said he was much worse than he thought, but was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. Roger has had horrific pain in his legs and knees due to the nerves trying to recover after being packed in there for so long, but he’s pushing through! Each day the pain is getting a little better. However, he has been experiencing unbearable headaches. We are asking for prayers that they can figure out what is causing these and that they can get them under control. He is getting excellent care at the hospital! We are so thankful for the skilled and caring doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. Thanks again to all of you for the continued love and prayers. We appreciate them all very much. ~The Gerber family.
Bro. Don and Sis. Carolyn Ott are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on November 14th. We are so thankful for strong marriages and families. We are very blessed.
Note from Bro. Ben Wiegand regarding Washington D.C. congregation:
Recently, through email and pulpit announcements, the entire Apostolic Christian brotherhood was made aware of exploratory efforts to "replant" the D.C. church. Couples, families and singles were asked to prayerfully consider joining this undertaking. To date, Bro. Greg and Sis. Mary Beutel and family (Tremont, IL) and Sis. Adrienne Kaehr (Bluffton, IN) have heard God’s call and feel led to come and support this endeavor. While this couple and sister have both had clear direction and a faith-building calling to this, we want to support them with additional believers in order to move forward. They have had a chance to come to the D.C. area and visit with the local brethren in late September, and after additional prayer, have continued to feel God’s calling.
The goal of the church plant effort is to attract a functioning church community of families, couples, and single brothers and sisters. Additionally, there is a desire for a local minister and an active Sunday School.
During initial conversations, the Beutel’s and Adrienne have felt a leading to bring our Apostolic Christian Church's strong sense of community and belonging to the neighborhood by building intentional relationships with neighbors. Initially, this might look like hosting community gatherings at the current church house, organizing summer VBS programs, and distributing groceries to disadvantaged families in the area. As relationships grow, they believe that God will show them the needs that he would like them to meet. Their sincere hope is that this purposeful vision for the replant will stimulate others to come and join in this important biblical calling.
We are asking anyone interested in making a difference in the Washington D.C. area to prayerfully consider answering the call and share your interest by December 15, 2019. Our recommendation has been to those who are considering this opportunity, please counsel with your local elder. If after talking with him you feel led to join the exploration of the church plant effort, contact Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand (bwiegan@its.jnj.com, 908-405-6324), or the CEC (cec@harvestcall.org).
In this effort, and in every part of our lives, we trust in the One who knows best. We are humbled and grateful for the response of the brethren thus far for this replant opportunity and trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to move hearts for this important work of spreading the gospel message to those in our nation's capital.
In Him,
Sunday School item for November: Office/Computer Paper (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (11/17): Bob Schieler & Matt Grimm
Apostolic Christian Church