Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Your donations are used to: Distribute Bibles throughout the world, Fund missions in Mexico, the Caribbean, India, and Japan (this includes our Sister Erin Davis), Support prison ministries, Translate, print and disperse hymnbooks, tracts and other materials, Build church facilities in Europe, Assist our small congregations, Add Christian literature into HarvestCall aid shipments, AC publications and much more. To learn more, please harvestcall.org Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.
Tuesday’s HarvestCall projects will be rescheduled to February 25th.
The annual benefit auction and bake sale for the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka is on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the Eureka Middle School. The bake sale and breakfast start at 7:30 AM and the auction begins at 9 AM. Donated items, as well as baked goods will be needed. If you have any questions please see sisters Missy Post, Jill Wagner, or Jenise Wiegand.
The Bloomington Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Benefit Auction will be Saturday, April 18th. For tickets or to make a donation, please contact Sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for supporting Midwest Food Bank!
For all men and boys of the church. Save the date: June 5 -6 for the father- son/men’s camp out. Details will follow at a later date. See Bro. Sam Rokey with questions.
It’s time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please get them to Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier or Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter. Thanks!
It’s that time of year again to vote for Sunday school teachers and trustees. If you did not send in your ballot there is still time to do so. Please have them in the mail by Tuesday of this week.
Our Goodfield church family and Bible Class is hosting another ACYF evening program next Sunday the 16th. Please come join us in worshipping God in song with high school students from our neighboring congregations. We will begin singing promptly at 5:45 PM with the program beginning at 6:00. The program should be about an hour long.
For our topical Bible study this Wednesday evening Bro. Frank Sauder plans to be here and talk about God’s design in gender distinction. This would be a great opportunity for all of us including the Young Group and Bible Class students.
Our dear sister Joy Hohulin passed away recently. Her visitation will be on Monday from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall. Funeral service will be at 10:00 a.m. at the church on Tuesday with visitation before from 9:00 to 9:45. It is group 3’s turn to help and bring food. Please be prayerful for Bro. Jim and his family.
Next Sunday would be a good day to invite a minister as we will be very slim.
This year for the Sunrise Service, the committee would like to invite anyone in our Goodfield church family who has an interest in sharing a reading or song at this year's service to please reach out to us with what you would like to share. The theme is "Our Living Hope," and will be on April 12th. Please email us at brennamarie8@hotmail.com by March 1st if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions!
There is an opening at LifePoints that could be a good opportunity for someone who is looking to serve others and has some good skills. Because the position is currently open they would appreciate knowing of any interest by February 21. LifePoints is seeking a Social Services/Mission Director (SSMD). Specific responsibilities of the position include maintenance of the agency waiting list for residential placement and overseeing admissions, transfers and discharges. They will lead the development of and communication of the agency Mission with staff and volunteers. The SSMD must embody the following traits: support the values and vision of the agency, an ability to advocate and enable growth in our residents as well as possess strong communication skills. The SSMD will also monitor the Agency Corporate Compliance Program and Agency HIPPA compliance programs.
LifePoints mission: to provide loving service to adults with developmental disabilities.
We serve residents in a wide range of settings including our 73-bed ICF-DD, two 16 bed group homes, and several residential Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) settings. We are seeking candidates with an ability and passion to help us carry on our mission.
Sunday School Item for February: Kleenex (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (2/16): Nate Bauman & Ross Herrmann
Apostolic Christian Church