Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Your donations are used to: Distribute Bibles throughout the world, Fund missions in Mexico, the Caribbean, India, and Japan (this includes our Sister Erin Davis), Support prison ministries, Translate, print and disperse hymnbooks, tracts and other materials, Build church facilities in Europe, Assist our small congregations, Add Christian literature into HarvestCall aid shipments, AC publications and much more. To learn more, please visit harvestcall.org Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.
There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening.
We will be having the Adult Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning in February starting at 10am. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or a neighbor. Bro. Kent will be teaching the class.
There are a few extra Integrity Bible studies in the women’s coat room. If you would like to study on your own please feel free to take one.
We plan to have singing at the Eureka Home at 6:45 this Saturday, February 8th.We would like to have at least 30 people to attend the singing. You can sign up at the information center or via this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4EA5AB2BA7FC1-eureka2. It's a great opportunity for each of us to interact with our loved ones at the home. Please consider the blessing that you will receive for attending.
Our Goodfield Bible Class and Church Family will be hosting evening ACYF programs on Sunday, February 9th and 16th. Please mark your calendars for this opportunity to come support our Sunday School. Each evening we will host several hundred high school students from neighboring churches as we worship together in song.
Clothes packing for 7th and 8th grade will be Monday, Feb. 10. The Sunday school teachers will give details.
The annual benefit auction and bake sale for the Apostolic Christian home of Eureka is on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the Eureka Middle School. The bake sale and breakfast start at 7:30 AM and the auction begins at 9 AM. Donated items, as well as baked goods will be needed. If you have any questions please see sisters Missy Post, Jill Wagner, or Jenise Wiegand
It’s that time of year again to vote for Sunday school teachers and trustees. If you did not receive a ballot please let one of the ministers know. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
The Silver Lining has been featuring special topical sections with submissions from our readers. You are encouraged to contribute. The next topic is: How do you keep your daily time in the Word and prayer from getting stale? Regular Bible reading and prayer are essential Christian disciplines, but sometimes it can feel like going through the motions. What have you learned about ways to keep it fresh and meaningful? Please send your contributions (length: no more than 600 words) on this topic to features@acsilverlining.org by March 16, 2020. For questions or assistance, contact Bro. Sam Manz at the email address above. Please consider helping to make this upcoming section of the Silver Lining a blessing to our readers.
Please be prayerful for Bro. Steve Wiegand. He is recovering from some infection.
Also Sis. Joy Hohulin is on hospice and not doing very well. Bro. Jim would appreciate your prayers on their behalf.
We have a very special engagement announcement of our dear sister Haley Rokey to Bro. Nate Hartman. Haley is the daughter of Bro. Ben and Sis. Shelly Rokey and Nate is the son of Bro. Jim and Sis. Ree Hartman. May the Lord bless their engagement and upcoming marriage.
We rejoice with Bro. Dan & Sis. Kayla Wiegand as they were blessed with a baby girl, Paisley Grace on January 31.
Sunday School Item for February: Kleenex (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (2/9): Delton Whitaker & Nate Bauman
Apostolic Christian Church