Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund. This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.
We would like to invite ALL girls and women of Goodfield church (ages 0-100) to a special morning of love, fellowship, and bonding. The ladies’ brunch will be held April 13 at 9:00 am at the fellowship hall. Please sign up at the message center if you can attend! This ladies’ brunch is like the luncheon we enjoyed 2 years ago but this year we are planning on only girls and ladies who attend Goodfield church in hopes of cultivating the beautiful relationships within our own church. It is sure to be a blessed morning, we hope you can attend! If you have any questions, please see Sisters Emily Sauder or Jennifer Stoller.
Save the date: The Father son campout (all men from Goodfield) will be held Friday and Saturday May 31st and June 1st. Please contact Brothers Adam Rocke or Sam Rokey if you have any questions.
We plan to have testimonies and baptisms this next weekend for Mikaila Rocke and Cammi Hartman. Testimonies will begin at 7pm on Saturday. Bro. Harvey Kaeb plans to be with us. It is Group 2’s turn to help and bring food. There are sign-up sheets in the back. See Sis. Ruth Moser with any questions.
The Doug & Lynn Wiegand family would like to thank everyone for the prayers, cards, & texts. Lynn’s cancer has been diagnosed as stage 3. On April 2nd, she will begin chemo treatment. She also will be undergoing radiation. Surgery will be planned later in the year. Overall, the doctors are optimistic & feel this is very treatable.
Ramp Door Next Sunday (3/31): Ron Wiegand & Jared Schieber
Opportunity to Join Church Replant in Washington D.C.
After a lengthy period of prayer regarding the future of the Washington D.C. church, the local brethren desire to present their situation and needs to the brotherhood.
Currently the Washington D.C. congregation consists of 5 members and several other attendees that live in various areas around the city. The congregation currently worships in a "church house" in Silver Spring, a D.C. suburb. The church house is cared for by the congregation and brethren who come to stay for up to a month. In addition, the national Church provides a minister on a weekly basis to preach the Word of God.
Several members of the congregation are approaching retirement age and considering/ planning moves from the D.C. area, which raises significant questions about the future of the D.C. Church. Outreach efforts at the current location have not yielded much visible fruit in added church attendance.
Over the last 18 months, the church congregation has prayerfully been considering different options, including a "replant" of the church in a new location. This effort would require 4-6 new couples/families and any single brothers/sisters who feel God’s direction to move to Washington D.C., including some who would be willing to serve in leadership capacities. This could result in identifying a new location, potentially in a more urban area, where the Gospel message is sorely needed. The local brethren are willing to help support this effort, as they search out God’s direction in their lives.
The Washington D.C. region is in great need of the gospel, and the congregation's desire would be for a church to be developed there if this is the Lord's will, and He moves hearts to join in a replant effort. At this time, they are requesting your prayerful consideration to support this effort. If a group of brethren are not identified to help in the replant effort, the D.C. Church will transition to a satellite location and ministerial services will be coordinated through the Philadelphia brethren.
The Washington D.C. brethren are committed to prayerfully discern God’s direction over the next six months, with the intent to make a decision by the end of the summer (Labor Day).
If you feel led to join in this effort, talk with Bro. Jeff Grimm. If after visiting with your local elder, you would like to explore further, please reach out to Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand (bwiegan@its.jnj.com, 908-405-6324), or the CEC (cec@harvestcall.org). As interest is shown, we will start a Learn & Discern bi-weekly prayer call.
Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand and the Washington D.C. brethren and friends
Apostolic Christian Church