Our giving for the month of March will go to the General Fund. This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery.
The Young Group girls’ Bible study will be this Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at the Gathering Room.
There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday night.
There will be Young Group babysitting on Saturday, March 23rd at the Fellowship Hall from 5:30pm-8:30pm. A sign-up sheet is at the message center for kids fully potty-trained and older. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Serena Bauman at (309)-642-9357.
We are looking forward to testimonies & baptisms on March 30th and 31st for Mikaila Rocke and Cammi Hartman. It is Group 2’s turn to help and bring food. See Sis. Ruth Moser if you have questions.
We would like to invite ALL girls and women of Goodfield church (ages 0-100) to a special morning of love, fellowship, and bonding. The ladies’ brunch will be held April 13 at 9:00 am at the fellowship hall. Please sign up at the message center if you can attend! This ladies’ brunch is similar to the luncheon we enjoyed 2 years ago but this year we are planning on only girls and ladies who attend Goodfield church in hopes of cultivating the beautiful relationships within our own church. It is sure to be a blessed morning, we hope you can attend! If you have any questions, please see Sisters Emily Sauder or Jennifer Stoller.
Click here for a full copy of the conference vision update Bro. Jeff went over on Sunday afternoon.
There has been some significant damage at the Fellowship Hall over the last couple years. It appears to be unattended children that have caused this. Please be aware of this and be watchful. We are really blessed with a wonderful facility and want to take care of it in the best way possible.
We plan to have Sunrise services on Easter Sunday starting at 7:30 with breakfast for all after those services. We will then have our normal 10am Easter services. We will have Sunday school that day as well. FYI there will not be lunch or PM services on that day. It is our turn to have the services at the Eureka Home in April. The service is at 8:50 that morning and Bro. Nate Wiegand will be conducting it.
2019 Election Results:
•Sunday School (4 year term)
o Bro. Josh Knapp
o Bro. Ty Taufer
o Bro. Keith Grimm
o Bro. Bob Schieler
o Sis. Abby Schick
o Sis. Maribeth Rocke
o Sis. Amber Ehnle
•Trustee (5 year term)
o Bro. Kris Swords
Thanks to these outgoing Teachers, Trustees and Kitchen committee:
•SS teachers:
o Bro. Jared Schieber
o Bro. Alex Knepp
o Bro. Adam Rocke
o Bro. Luke Rocke
o Sis. Kitty Herrmann
o Sis. Brittany Zeltwanger
o Sis. Christy Wiegand
o Bro. Mike Hartman
•Kitchen Committee
o New member: Robert and Melissa Rokey
o Outgoing: Keith and Dort Leman
Please be prayerful for the Doug & Lynn Wiegand family. Sis. Lynn has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer. She will be undergoing testing this Monday & Tuesday to determine size & stage of cancer. They will find out the results on Thursday. Thanks in advance, we love you all!
Ramp Doors next Sunday 3/24: Herman Glueck & Ron Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church