Our collection for the month of June is for our local area relief projects. Thanks to all of you for the efforts that have been put forth in this area. All of the different projects areas that we are involved in are listed in our Church directory or on the website. If you have any questions or would like to be more involved, please see Sis. Dawn Maloney.
It’s time to start collecting items for the Gateway Woods annual auction. The Auction is August 4th. Your new, antique, or monetary donations need to be turned into Bro. Craig or Sis. Marla Wiegand by July 26th. We really appreciate your support for this outreach.
The Sunday school picnic is Sunday, June 24 starting at 4:30pm. Fried chicken, drinks, and tableware will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. Everyone is invited.
Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching! We need volunteers to teach and help with crafts. Please go to the message center and sign up. The dates are July 30 through August 3. Also, if you have children who will be attending VBS, there is a sign-up sheet at the message center for you to put their t-shirt size. Or if you know they will not be attending, please cross their name off of the list. We appreciate all of your help. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Nate or Sis. Emily Sauder. Thank you!
After 28 years as Administrator of our Home, Bro. Tom Hoffman plans to retire at the end of the year. The Board of Directors has hired Sis. Kim Joos as his replacement. Sis. Kim is a licensed nursing home administrator and has served in the role of Assistant for the past 17 years. The Board looks forward to a smooth transition as Sis. Kim assumes the role of Administrator effective January 1st. In August, the Home will begin the process of seeking a new assistant administrator. If you have any questions please feel free to visit with one of your congregation’s Board representatives.
We rejoice with Jared and Sarah West as they were blessed with a baby boy, Declan Cain on June 11.
Please pray for our Leo, IN church family as there was an accident last week on their way home from a Bible Class mission trip. Three brothers were injured while changing a tire. Jason Kilgus, Joseph Beer, & Mike Klopfenstein were the brothers. Please be prayer for them and their families.
The following is an update from the Leo church regarding this situation:
Joy Kilgus - email sent 3:37 Sunday morning:
Here is an update on Jason if you want to pass it along:
As of tonight, Jason is still in the trauma area due to continued observation. He is able to talk some and knows who we are and remembers some of the accident. His face is pretty beat up in a few areas including his left eye which he can’t open due to swelling and some abrasions. No head or brain injuries or concerns according to the doctors and nurses. And no sign of internal organ damage. Which is a TOTAL MIRACLE from what his body went through getting hit. So thank you so much for your prayers!!
As far as his other injuries, his left leg is broke in two places and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 10. His pelvis is broke/fractured in two places. The plan is to do surgery Monday on that if the leg surgery goes well. He has a partially punctured lung that should heal on its own (praise God). His left collarbone is broke. He is complaining a lot of pain in his back but hopefully that’s becuz they have him laying flat for so long and they aren’t allowing him to turn or change positions too much, etc.
We want to thank everyone for all the prayers that are ascending to our awesome God. And that were prayed before this trip and during this trip as The outcome could have been much more tragic. If you want to pray specifically, we ask for prayer regarding Jason’s pain, that God will guide the doctors that perform his upcoming surgeries, and that He will continue to heal his body, as the road to recovery looks long, especially for an energetic, hardworking husband and dad. :).
Thank you again for being a praying, caring church family. We are blessed by you.
Joy and kids
Text received from Lynn Stieglitz this evening, Sunday:
Joe & Heather Beer will be home by 6 pm tonight. He's in pain, but was able to walk slowly, yet unassisted, this morning as they headed out.
Both Mike and Jason are out of surgery and both surgeries went well. Mike's pelvis was repaired with many screws. His foot should be fine, but his knee requires further evaluation.
Jason's leg was repaired and is looking good. There was collateral damage to his knee which will require further evaluation. The surgeon began stabilization of the pelvis to support Jason's leg, but further work will be required. It appears his shoulder injury will repair itself.
Both brothers and their families express deep appreciation for all the prayers. Keep it up!
Beer Family update:
Joe, Heather, Hannah & Connor did, indeed, arrive home about 6 pm this evening. He is trying to control the pain with meds. His right hand is swollen, numb and unmovable, as well as his right knee being unmovable. He has many contusions and abrasions on his body.
The entire Beer family is extremely grateful for all the prayers, love and concern shown. Thank you all so much ... please keep praying!
Heather thinks Joe could tolerate short visits, but call ahead to be sure he is awake!
Apostolic Christian Church