There will be a triple all church shower for Wade Gregoire and Nickole Oxendine, Kinsey Herrmann and David Hoffman, and Kendahl Evans and Mark Gerber on Saturday, August 4th from 9 -10:30 am at the Gathering Room. Please bring $5 or $10, a grocery item, and your favorite recipe. If there are questions, contact Sis. Lisa Rieke.
The Gateway Woods 42nd annual benefit auction will be held this Saturday, August 4th with a breakfast starting at 7:30am. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Craig and Sis. Marla Wiegand.
Our summer Vacation Bible School will start this Monday, July 30th thru Friday, August 3rd. Pre-K thru 8th grade will be each night starting at 7pm. Bible class and the rest of our church family will be Mon-Wed-Fri at the same time. Our theme for the week is “Placing our trust in a loving, Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God” Bros Mark Roth, Fred Funk and Matt Steffen plan to speak. We will have Glorify Hymn, Mediocre Melodies and the Goodfield Sunday School singing groups that week. There is a sign-up sheet at the message area for VBS "Pie Night", which is Friday, Aug 3. During the week of VBS we will be accepting monetary donations for operational costs for The En Gedi House in Jamaica. This home is run by Sis. Erin Davis where she & her daughter Neiah live & offer a safe home for babies. We will also collect the following items that will be sent to Infirmaries where the elderly & handicapped in Jamaica reside:
- antibacterial cream
- stick deodorant
- bar soap
- Band-Aids
- body lotion
- shampoo
- twin bed sheets
Thank you for your love & continued support for the missions in Jamaica!
The Home in Eureka is looking for Volunteers to help pass mail. We have a wonderful group of regular volunteers for mail but it would be so nice to have a few extras to call when the need arises. This starts at 9:30a.m. and takes no more than an hour. Or help as a weekly Friday Newsletter Substitute, which can be passed any time of day and takes about an hour as well. Please contact Wendy Falk at the home if you are interested.
Everyone is warmly invited to a Gospel concert on Friday, August 24th from 7-8:30PM at the Walton Centre in Fairbury. The concert will feature The Browns, an award-winning musical farm family from Iowa. The evening is being hosted by Loving Shepherd Ministries. All are welcome and no tickets or RSVP is required but a freewill offering will be taken. There will be free ice cream, popcorn, drinks, and other snacks – so the whole family is welcome. Please contact Joe Gerber at 260-273-2153 with questions or visit
Apostolic Christian Church