The young group guys Bible study will be at Bro. Jeff and Sis. Ruth’s this Tuesday since Bro. Dan and Sis. Heidi are out of town this week. The study starts at 7pm and we are on lesson 9 in the James Bible study.
6th through 8th grade are invited to help pack the school backpacks for the Heart House, this Wednesday 7:30 downstairs in the east end room. If you have any questions please call or text Sis. Gretchen Zimmerman at 309-258-3596.
There will be a triple all church shower for Wade Gregoire and Nickole Oxendine, Kinsey Herrmann and David Hoffman, and Kendahl Evans and Mark Gerber on Saturday, August 4th from 9 -10:30 am at the Gathering Room. Please bring $5 or $10, a grocery item, and your favorite recipe. If there are questions, contact Sis. Lisa Rieke.
Our summer Vacation Bible School will be Monday, July 30th thru Friday, August 3rd. Pre-k thru 8th grade will be each night starting at 7pm. Bible class and the rest of our church family will be Mon-Wed-Fri at the same time. Our theme for the week is “Placing our trust in a loving, Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God” Bros Mark Roth, Fred Funk and Matt Steffen plan to speak. We will have Glorify Hymn, Mediocre Melodies and the Goodfield Sunday School singing groups that week. There is a sign-up sheet at the message area for VBS "Pie Night", which is Friday, Aug 3. We will be collecting items for Jamaican Infirmaries & collecting monetary donations for En Gedi House.
The Home in Eureka is looking for Volunteers to help pass mail. We have a wonderful group of regular volunteers for mail but it would be so nice to have a few extra’s to call when the need arises. This starts at 9:30a.m. and takes no more than an hour. Or help as a weekly Friday Newsletter Substitute, which can be passed any time of day and takes about an hour as well. Please contact Wendy Falk at the home if you are interested.
Our collection boxes are open this month for the Apostolic Christian Life Points (formerly the handicapped home). Please prayerfully consider the special loved ones who are served by this facility and share accordingly. May God bless you richly for giving to the Lord's work.
We welcome Bro. Kurt & Sis. Joan Plattner and their family back home to our Goodfield congregation after their years of service in Haiti. May they feel the Lord’s nearness as they adjust to life here.
Jayden Grimm has turned his life over to the Lord in repentance. May he feel God’s nearness and grace as he serves. Jayden is the son of Bro. Mike and Sis. Amber Grimm of San Diego. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
The following is a note from Gabriella Wiegand to the Goodfield church family:
July 11, 2018
Dear Goodfield Church,
Tonight before I came to Wednesday night church, I was in tears. I was trying to fight the fear and anxiety I was having about going to Japan for VBS. I was debating whether or not I wanted to go to Goodfield tonight; most of the people I know were unable to attend. I felt the Spirit telling me to go so I pushed back the fear of sitting alone in a pew. There wasn’t a moment tonight that I felt rejected or alone. Not only was I encouraged by the word that went out tonight, I was also rallied around, prayed for, and encouraged! I was reminded by God’s work in the Goodfield church that this is how the body of Christ is supposed to operate. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms!
Much love in Christ,
Gabriella Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church