The collection for the month of January is for our HarvestCall Disaster Relief fund. This Church collection is to provide readily available funds in anticipation of a disaster occurring later in the calendar year. Examples include tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, or other national or local disasters similar to what happened to Washington or where our HarvestCall work teams have been. FYI the national disaster relief funds are currently low and in need.
Monday, January 20th there will be a blood drive at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall from 1:00-6:00 p.m. The 1:00-2:30 appointments are full, but there are a lot of openings available from 2:30-6:00. Contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen if you would like an appointment time or go online to sign up.
There will be a wedding shower for Amber Penick and Kent Hinrichson on Saturday, January 25th from 9am-10am. Please bring $5-10 and a paper product. Please note: this will be at the Church Dining Room instead of the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions please see Sis. Heather Hohulin.
Our Goodfield Bible Class and Church Family will be hosting evening ACYF programs on Sunday, February 9th and 16th. Please mark your calendars for this opportunity to come support our Sunday School. Each evening we will host several hundred high school students from neighboring churches as we worship together in song. Please click here to sign up to help with setup and cleanup, parking, and hosts for practice rooms. There are also items available to bring for a meal for the Bible Class on February 9th.
Save the date! The Annual Breakfast and Benefit Auction and Bake Sale for our Apostolic Christian Nursing Home of Eureka will be Saturday, March 7th, 2020. Please Remember to mark your calendars! More information will follow.
Our Goodfield Vision steering team met last week at the FH with Bro. Arlan Miller. We spent most of our time learning to know each other and how we can work effectively as a team. Our goal is that as a church family we will all feel more loved, equipped and enabled to identify and align our present and potential ministries more closely to our scriptural calling as well as our global purpose and vision. Please feel free to reach out to anyone on the vision steering team for more insight or if you have any questions. There are extra handouts that give an explanation of our process and also list the team members. There is an omission in the packet as Bro. Nathan Wiegand is also serving on the team and is not listed.
We plan to have testimonies and baptisms this Saturday and Sunday for Jonas and Savana Wiegand and Doug Glueck. Testimonies will start at 6:30pm on Saturday evening. Bro. Lynn Stieglitz from Leo, IN plans to be with us. It is group 1’s turn to help and bring food. Please click-here to sign up.
This week we will be sending out the ballots for Sunday school teachers this year. As you receive your ballot, please be prayerful about selecting the names for Sunday school teachers. Please have them mailed back by February 1st.
Sunday School Item for January: Hand Soap (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (1/26): Arlen Edelman & Darrell Stoller
Apostolic Christian Church