Our collection for the month of October is for HarvestCall. HarvestCall has been commissioned by the Elder Body to enable the church to proclaim Christ and serve others in ways that are beyond the capacity of local congregations. The needs are great and your generosity allows us to fund the various missions in Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe, the U.S., and other places. Thank you for your faithful prayers, service and financial support.
HarvestCall projects will be Tuesday from 9-noon in the Fellowship Hall. Babysitting is provided. We will be collecting canned goods and can openers, to send with our blankets, to the Center for Prevention of Abuse in Peoria.
Sis. Pat Plattner & Sis. Jill Wagner have put together a display of the Bible studies that we sell at AC Publications back at the information center. They are for you to look at and please feel free to take them for personal Bible study. If you cannot afford to pay for them that is fine but please be aware they are about $5 to $10 a piece and you can also get more copies of them online or at the publications store. You can put a donation in the box if you wish to.
If you get our weekly church announcement email, you likely noticed an "extra" email in your inbox this past Monday. In an effort to continue to involve the entire church family in our Sunday School, we are planning to start sharing more details of what we are learning each week along with upcoming events and prayer opportunities. This will allow families to have a place to start or continue conversations as you build on the lessons that our children are participating in each Sunday morning. This past Sunday morning in Sunday School we learned about putting down strong roots, and this is another opportunity for you to help nurture the seeds that were planted in Sunday School as we journey toward heaven together.
Rotating potluck is a great way to get involved and get to know our church family even better. It’s time to sign up for 2020. You can sign up to host or just sign up to come, either way is great! There is a sign-up sheet at the message center. Any questions please see Sisters Joni Zacha or Jennifer Stoller.
Loving Shepherd ministries will be having a benefit auction Friday, October 11th at Five Points in Washington. Dinner and silent auction begin at 5:30 and the live auction at 6:30. As you know, Loving Shepherd exists to provide vulnerable children with a completely unique continuum of care from childhood through adulthood, resulting in self-sufficient leaders who transform their culture for Christ.
The Home Benefit Dinner will be at 6 p.m., Saturday evening, October 26, at the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are available at the Home and we encourage everyone of all ages to attend the dinner. (The singing group will be Praising Hymn, a young adult group from Eureka.)
The Apostolic Christian HarvestCall benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday, November 8 at Five Points in Washington. The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, see the announcement on the church bulletin board or visit the HarvestCall website. There is a "wish List" on Amazon if you would like to purchase directly for the auction. At 'check out', choose Rich Bertschi's address to ship directly to him at Sam LemanChevrolet dealership in Eureka; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/251URYXGTG4IN?ref_=wl_share. You can also contact Rich Bertschi at (309) 440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com.
Sis. Loretta Hess is home and slowly gaining back strength. Continued prayers are appreciated. She is up for visitors, but would appreciate if you would call first.
The Hinrichsen family wants to thank the church for all the love, support, and prayers that have been carrying them through this difficult time. Words cannot express our deep appreciation we have for our church body.
Ramp Doors next Sunday (10/13): Loren Zeltwanger & Keith Leman
Sunday School item for October: Toilet Paper (Heart House)
Apostolic Christian Church