Our collection for the Month of October is for HarvestCall.
There is going to be an Awareness Tour to Jamaica January 17-21. We will be visiting the places HarvestCall is involved with on the Island. If you are interested in more information please contact Bro. Alan or Sis. Joanne Roth.
On AC Central there is a new “Around the Table podcast.” If you have time, please listen to the two podcasts about “understanding our vision and purpose.” There are other topics there as well and new ones will be posted twice per month.
Young Group girls’ Bible study will be this Tuesday evening at the Gathering Room at 7:00. The Young Group guys’ Bible study will be at the same time at Bro. Rick & Sis. Stacie Bauman’s house.
Bro. Kurt will be talking about “Blessed are the merciful and Blessed are the pure in heart” beatitudes from the general conference this Wednesday evening. Please listen to the talks from Bro. Ken Wuethrich and Bro. John Laukhuf.
The Eureka Home Benefit dinner on October 26 still has 10 whole empty tables - 80 seats. If you are available on this evening, please consider joining us for a wonderful meal and an evening dedicated to the Glory of God. This benefit dinner raises money for the residents at our home, buying equipment and providing opportunities for the people in our care at the Home. Many of these residents are our brothers and sisters in Faith. We sincerely appreciate your help. Tickets can be obtained by simply calling the Home at 309-467-2311. (Kent Steffen is grilling) If you have questions contact Sis. Jill Wagner.
On Wednesday evening, October 30, Bro. Brad and Sis. Debbie Braker from our Morton congregation will be giving a presentation on the Apostolic Christian involvement of our mission in India. This will include a live audio/visual segment with the RGMMI pastor in India and his wife. We will be able to interact with them live and visit about their culture and Christian walk with the Lord. Debbie will share with us her experience with helping teenage girls learn to bake as well as instructing them with other pieces of practical wisdom. We will be enjoying a “taste of India” afterward. It will be held at the Fellowship Hall starting at 7:30 and be in place of our Wednesday evening service.
The Apostolic Christian HarvestCall benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday, November 8 at Five Points in Washington. The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, see the announcement on the church bulletin board or visit the HarvestCall website. There is a "wish List" on Amazon if you would like to purchase directly for the auction. At 'check out', choose Rich Bertschi's address to ship directly to him at Sam Leman Chevrolet dealership in Eureka; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/251URYXGTG4IN?ref_=wl_share You can also contact Rich Bertschi (309) 440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com. If you have any questions you can contact Bro. Greg and Sis. Jill Wagner.
Please be prayerful for Sis. Loretta Hess as she is in Methodist hospital with possible pneumonia.
We are very thankful to announce that Doug Glueck is at peace with God and man and is ready for baptism. Please pray for him and encourage him during this most important time in his life. If you have any words of encouragement or concerns, please contact him. Doug is the son of George and Pauline Glueck and a brother to our Sister Sabrina.
We are also thankful to announce that Alice Nohl is at peace with God and man. We plan to have Alice's baptism this coming Saturday, October 27th at the Home in Eureka starting at 1:30pm. We will have limited seating but everyone is welcome to attend. If you have a special connection to Alice it would be wonderful if you could be there. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
We are thankful to announce the engagement of our Bro. Nathan Zobrist to Sis. Tabitha Koch from Tremont. Bro. Nathan is the son of Bro. Mike and Sis. Susie Zobrist and Sis. Tabitha is the daughter of Bro. Dirk and Sis. Erika Koch from Tremont. We pray the Lord will bless their union together.
Please be prayerful for our Sis. Darcy Schock as her grandma, Emma Knapp passed away. Her funeral service will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at 10 a.m. at the Morton Apostolic Christian Church. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, October 21, at Knapp-Johnson Funeral Home and Cremation Center in Morton. Further visitation will be held Tuesday from 9 to 9:45 a.m., prior to the service at the church.
Ramp Doors next Sunday (10/27): Jeff Grimm & Mike Wirtz
Sunday School item for October: Toilet Paper (Heart House)
Apostolic Christian Church