Our monthly collection in May will be for the Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services.
The Proclaim & Serve Missions Conference is an annual event for all Apostolic Christians who have interest in cross-cultural missions. It will be held in Roanoke on Saturday, July 20th. Registration is required and open at this time. You can find details about the topics, speakers and registration at the conference website:
HarvestCall projects will be on Tuesday from 9-noon at the Fellowship Hall. Babysitting is provided. Please join us!
There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening. At the end of the regular church service the ACTIVE kids are going to come up front and sing or give some of their scripture memory for us probably about 8:15.
Thank you to all who have responded and signed up to help during the conference week in August! Many have volunteered already but there are still open opportunities. We would love to include all of our church family, so if you haven’t signed up yet we encourage you to visit the signup pages and prayerfully consider what you can do to help. Also, we would ask that someone from each household would please respond to the accommodation survey, even if you cannot host.
The Goodfield men’s campout will be held Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st. There are more details and a signup sheet at the message center. Arrival and setup will start at 4pm with a meal at 5:30pm. If you have any questions, please see Bros. Adam Rocke or Sam Rokey.
We are planning reinstatement services for Ethel Finley on Wednesday, June 12th. Bro. Kent Heimer plans to be with us. We are also planning testimonies and baptisms for Diane Gregory on June 29th and 30th.
The Kitchen Committee Food Groups for helping at funerals and baptisms have been updated. The latest version is hanging at the message center and also in the back of the church directories. If you were already in a group, your group number did not change.
New church directories are available at the message center. Please take as many as you would like, we have plenty. Any questions or corrections, please see Sis. Roxy Blunier. We keep a current copy of the church directory on our church website so if you have changes throughout the year, feel free to give them to Bro. Randy or Sis. Roxy Blunier.
Ramp Doors next Sunday (5/19): Jason Schick & Jeff Wiegand
HarvestCall Item for May: Paper Towels (Heart House)
Apostolic Christian Church