Our collection for the month of June is for our local area relief projects. Thanks to all of you for the efforts that have been put forth in this area. All of the different projects areas that we are involved in are listed in our Church directory or on the website. If you have any questions or would like to be more involved, please see Sis. Dawn Maloney.
The Sunday school picnic is Sunday, June 30 starting at 4:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall. Fried chicken, drinks, and tableware will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. Everyone is invited.
Thank you to all who signed up to help with Vacation Bible School this year. There will be a short meeting in the lunchroom immediately following afternoon church today for all who signed up to teach or help with crafts.
The young group girls' Bible study will be held this coming Tuesday evening at the Gathering Room starting at 7:00 pm. The topic of discipleship will be discussed and tied in to the experience of the Tennessee Mission Trip, as well as other examples of faithful mentors who have come along side each of us. Bring your Bibles.
The young group guys' Bible study will be at the same time at Bro. Jeff & Sis. Ruth’s house. Bro. Nathan Wiegand will be leading the study.
Roanoke Church is hosting HavestCall's Proclaim and Serve 2019 mission conference on Saturday, July 20th. This conference is not just about what HarvestCall is currently doing. It is also about learning together how we as individuals and as a church can better understand and apply the Great Commission. Preregistration is required and it can be done at ProclaimandServe.org
The Gateway Woods benefit auction is coming up on Saturday, August 3rd. If you would be willing to donate items or money toward items please see Bro. Erik Wiegand. Items can be dropped off at their house or brought to church.
Adult Encourager program:
1. As this is presented to the students, they will be given a list of people in the church who are 25 years and older to choose from. If you are in this age group, please be prayerful and willing to mentor if a student chooses your name.
2. The students will pick 5 people they would like to connect with and then they will be paired up with 1 adult after the committee prays over the names and facilitates the connections. The goal is to spread this out through the congregation so that the adults aren’t mentoring multiple students.
3. Each year, the students will be paired with someone different. The goal is that each student will connect with 4 adults during their time in high school. Studies have shown that when there are more connections between generations, there is a higher likelihood that the students will feel welcome and want to attend that church.
We are planning testimonies and baptisms for Diane Gregory on June 29th and 30th. Her testimony will start at 7pm on Saturday the 29th. It is Group 1’s turn to help and bring food.
We plan to cancel Wednesday evening services this week due to the testimony Saturday night.
Note from Sis. Lila Wirtz:
We are very thankful that Katie’s bone scan was negative. She begins her chemo on Thursday. Please continue to pray for Katie and their family.
We rejoice with Cade and Emrie Knapp as they have turned their life over to the Lord in repentance. Cade and Emrie are the son and daughter of Bro. Ryan and Sis. Liz Knapp. May they feel God’s nearness and grace. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
Ramp Doors next Sunday (6/30): Nate Zeltwanger & Dave Zobrist
HarvestCall Item for June: Dish Soap (Heart House)
Apostolic Christian Church