Our collection boxes are open this month for the Apostolic Christian Life Points (formerly the handicapped home). Please prayerfully consider the special loved ones who are served by this facility and share accordingly. May God bless you richly for giving to the Lord's work.
We plan to have singing at the Eureka AC home this Saturday starting at 6:45pm. Everyone is invited and welcome to come. It is a blessing being with our residents.
We are looking forward to Vacation Bible School beginning July 15th. Our three year old through 8th graders will be meeting downstairs Monday through Friday evening. They should go to the grade level of the class they just completed in the 2018-19 school year. We will start with singing in the main Sunday School assembly room promptly at 7:00 PM. Your children will be ready to be picked up at 8:30 PM. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights there will be Adult VBS in the church sanctuary as well. Everyone is invited to come join our Bible Class for teaching and song worship these three nights. VBS is a great opportunity to invite a friend to worship and learn with us. On Monday night Bro. Kirk Plattner from West Lafayette will be speaking and Mediocre Melodies will be singing. On Wednesday, Bro. Tim Drayer from Bluffton North will be sharing and our ministers and their wives will be singing. Friday night is pie night and there is a sign-up sheet at the message center for anyone who would be willing to make a pie. Bro. Matt Oesch will be sharing the message and the VBS students will be singing for us. Your prayers are much appreciated and the theme verse is Romans 12:2.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
There will be all church cleaning the week of July 22-27. This is the week following VBS. Cleaning supplies and instructions will be set out on Monday morning. Anyone is welcome to come and clean anytime during the week, just be sure to document what you did. The week will culminate at 5:00pm on Friday and continue Saturday at 8:00am until finished.
REMEMBER: Sunday school teachers are in charge of cleaning their own rooms.
The fellowship hall will be open for cleaning on Friday the 26th at 8:00am and will continue all day and into Saturday morning until finished.
Thank you all in advance as we prepare for the upcoming conference!
We plan to have a special “Conference Heart preparation service” on Sunday Morning, July 21st. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Gateway Woods benefit auction is coming up on Saturday, August 3rd. If you would be willing to donate items or money toward items please see Bro. Erik Wiegand. Items can be dropped off at their house or brought to church.
The Latty congregation will host the 2019 Men’s Sing over the weekend of August 24th and 25th. We welcome men of any age to help make a recording to God’s glory. Anyone interested may visit ACMenSing.org to register.
ACCFS will host its next Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference at the Morton Church on Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19. Marriages of all ages are welcome. Due to space limitations, advanced registration is required. For more information and to register, please visit our website at: www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2019
Church prayer and encouragement opportunity.
We are looking forward to the upcoming conference in August, and want to put out a plea for prayer. Please pray for a peaceful and unifying month ahead where we can come together as a church family and glorify God in hosting this event. Also, pray for the elders as a whole that the spirit will give wisdom and insight during their meetings. Sis. Becky Roberts will be passing out names for specific individuals in the next few weeks.
We are asking all woman of our Goodfield Church to participate in writing small notes of encouragement and prayers to the Elder's wives who will be attending the conference this year. These note cards will be given to them the week of the conference. We want to express our love and appreciation by praying for them. At the message center are the note cards to use, as well as instructions for you. This is something that all women and girls can do to help us connect on a personal, as well as spiritual level. It will be very meaningful for all who receive one. Thank you for considering this. See Sis. Lanae Wiegand with any questions.
Sis. Rita’s Bauman’s dad, Ed Ehnle (Bradford), passed away this week. His Funeral was Saturday in Bradford. Please be prayerful for the Ehnle and Bauman families.
Ramp Doors Next week (7/14) – Jon Knapp & Dave Roth
Apostolic Christian Church