Our collection boxes are open this month for the Apostolic Christian Life Points (formerly the handicapped home). Please prayerfully consider the special loved ones who are served by this facility and share accordingly. May God bless you richly for giving to the Lord's work.
We will also be accepting monetary donations for operational costs for The En Gedi House in Jamaica. This home is run by Sis. Erin Davis where she & her daughter Neiah live & offer a safe home for babies. She is currently caring for three foster children under one year old. Thank you for your love & continued support for the missions in Jamaica!
The girls young group Bible Study will be this coming Tuesday in the Gathering Room starting at 7:00. We will be starting a new series entitled “Be Still and Know”. Bro. Matt Kaufmann and Bro. Brian Sutter will be sharing about the importance of cultivating the discipline of spiritual quietness. Please bring your Bible.
The Guys Bible study will be held at Bro. Rick & Sis. Stacie Bauman’s home at the same time.
There will be all church cleaning this week, July 22-27. Cleaning supplies and instructions will be set out on Monday morning. Anyone is welcome to come and clean anytime during the week, just be sure to document what you did. The week will culminate at 5:00pm on Friday and continue Saturday at 8:00am until finished. REMEMBER: Sunday school teachers are in charge of cleaning their own rooms. The fellowship hall will be open for cleaning on Friday the 26th at 8:00am and will continue all day and into Saturday morning until finished. Thank you all in advance as we prepare for the upcoming conference!
Bro. Kurt will be having a service at the Eureka Home this Friday at 7pm. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Last opportunity to bless Gateway Woods with items for the Auction August 3. Please have your items to Bro. Erik and Sis. Carrie by July 26. Anyone wanting to donate money toward items please have it in by July 24. Please make checks out to Erik or Carrie Wiegand. Thank you to those who have already donated items or money.
Thank you to all who have signed up to write notes of encouragement to the elders wives. Please have those letters turned in by Sunday July 21st. Thank you.
Prayer thoughts regarding the upcoming conference:
• Pray that you can be a willing servant
• Pray that you can display a Christ-like attitude
• Pray that you can encourage others you meet
• Pray that you can give up self
• Pray that you can grow spiritually
• Pray that you can glorify God in all that you do.
o Pray that we as a church body will grow in our relationships and serve each other
o Pray that we as a church body will lift up our national church elders and their wives in various ways
o Pray that our church body will increase in faith and grow spiritually.
o Pray that we as a church body will show abundant love one toward another
o Pray that we as a church body will together glorify God
Ramp Doors next Sunday (7/28) – Kris Swords & Andy Bauman
Apostolic Christian Church