Our collection for the month of February is for the Apostolic Christian Church HarvestCall Mission Collection. Contributions support our church’s work in spreading the gospel message of salvation. Your donations are used to: Distribute Bibles throughout the world, Fund missions in Mexico, the Caribbean, India, and Japan (this includes our Sister Erin Davis) Support prison ministries, Translate, print and disperse hymnbooks, tracts and other materials, Build church facilities in Europe, Assist our small congregations, Add Christian literature into HarvestCall aid shipments, AC publications and much more. To learn more, please harvestcall.org Thanks for your prayerful and financial support of this work.
We plan to have ACCFS come and speak about mentoring and how we can be equipped to help others grow stronger in Christ. This will be held at the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evening February 13th.
We will be having the Adult Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning in February starting at 10am. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or a neighbor. Bro. Jedd will be teaching the class.
There will be a one gift wedding shower for Jessica Wiegand and Max Hodel in the Gathering Room this Tuesday, February 5th, from 7 to 8 pm. Please bring $5.00 to $10.00, a paper product and a recipe. Please see Sis. Pam Wiegand if you have any questions.
Just a reminder that rotating potluck packets are ready for pickup at the message center. Please make sure to pick yours up today. Thanks! Sisters Jennifer Stoller and Joni Zacha
Gridley church is planning an appreciation evening for Bro. Earl & Sis. Dixie Ringger Sunday, March 31 at 6:30 pm at the Gridley fellowship hall. They will have a singing, small program and snack afterwards. There will be a basket available for cards. There will be a sign-up sheet at the message center for planning purposes, but you are welcome to come even if you do not sign up.
It's time for our winter fellowship and meal as a church family. Sunday, February 17th at 5 PM All church Pizza Party and family hymn Sing. Please sign up for food and how many from your family will attend.
There are sign up sheets at the information center for the Bible class Mission Trip Fundraising dinner.
Bro. Jeff & Sis. Janel Wiegand and their family are going to Garden Grove, IA on February 17th. If anyone is interested in going, they would love to have as many as possible join them.
Goodfield church will be hosting the annual Brotherhood Conference on August 6th - 9th this year. This is an opportunity for our entire church family to work together in love as we bring glory to God and serve our national church family and leadership together. Please mark your calendars as we will need each one in some role. Some roles such as committee chairs have been assigned, you can see those assignments and committee definitions by clicking here. We are currently working on determining our volunteer needs and signups will be later in the year, in the April to May timeframe. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
We are very thankful to announce that Mikaila Rocke and Cammi Hartman are at peace with God and man and desire baptism. Please pray for them and encourage then during this most important time in their life. If you have any words of encouragement or concerns, please contact them. Mikaila is the daughter of Bro. Jedd and Sis. Marsha Rocke and Cammi is the daughter of Bro. Jim and Sis. Ree Hartman. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
Our Goodfield congregation has been very blessed to have Mae Kelley worshiping with us for quite some time. It is with rejoicing to announce that she has turned her life over to the Lord and desires baptism. We pray that she can feel the love of our church family, as well as God’s nearness and grace. Mae lives at Morton Villas on Queenwood. Bill Koepnick has been a faithful friend who has graciously reached out to her, bringing her to church each Sunday. He has also provided her The Word through audio due to her failing eye-sight. We are so thankful that the gospel message is still being spread, calling souls to repentance and conversion.
Please turn in your Sunday School ballots this week. We appreciate your input and prayerful consideration of these very important positions.
It’s time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please let Bro. Randy or Sis. Roxy Blunier know.
We rejoice with Bro. Fred & Sis. Megan Rokey as they were blessed with a baby boy, Harrison Ray on January 28th.
Apostolic Christian Church