Our giving for the month of December will go to the General Fund. This collection will help provide funds for the operation and upkeep of our church facilities which include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemetery along with the Global Apostolic Christian Brotherhood operations fund.
The Goodfield Gospel Collection CD that was made to give as a gift to the elders wives at our conference in August is now available at the back message center. A generous couple has asked to donate these CDs to any of our church family who wants one. Everyone is welcome to take one CD for free.
Rotating potluck lists for 2020 are ready to be picked up at the message center. Thanks to all for participating.
We will be having our New Year’s Eve service this Tuesday evening starting at 7pm. This will cancel our regular Wednesday evening services.
There will be a triple church bridal shower on Tuesday evening, January 7th, at the Fellowship Hall Gathering Room. This is an Open House Shower for Whitley Gregorie and Jon Jones, Serena Bauman and Zach Wiegand, and Tabitha Koch and Nate Zobrist from 6:30-8:00. Please bring 5-10 dollars for group gifts and a paper product for each couple.
On Sunday, Jan. 12th, Goodfield will be having our annual pizza night and family hymn sing at the fellowship hall at 5PM. We hope many can come and enjoy some good food and fellowship! Tobin’s pizza will be served. Please sign up to come at the message center. See Sis. Amy Hinrichsen with questions.
We plan to have Bro. Zach Wiegand and Sis. Serena Bauman’s wedding on Sunday, January 19th and then testimonies and baptisms for Doug Glueck, Savanna and Jonas Wiegand on January 25th and 26th. Bro. Lynn Stieglitz plans to be with us that weekend.
Bro. Nathan Zobrist and Sis. Tabitha Koch would like to invite the Goodfield Church family to their wedding on Sunday, February 2nd at the Tremont Church. Please use the sign-up sheet at the information center to RSVP if you plan to attend the reception following the wedding at the Tremont Fellowship Hall.
Our dear sister Wilma Knapp passed away peacefully yesterday. Her visitation will be Friday 4-7pm at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall and the funeral will be Saturday, 10am with visitation 9-9:45. Please be prayerful for the entire Knapp family during this time. It is Group 1's turn to help and bring food. A sign-up will be emailed out soon.
Bro. Steve Rocke has finished the 2020 yearly pocket calendar. You can pick them up at the message center or view online by clicking here.
Sunday School Item for January: Hand Soap (ADDWC)
Ramp Doors next Sunday (1/5): Wayne Wiegand & Mike Wiegand
Apostolic Christian Church