Our collection boxes are open this month for Gateway Woods Children’s Home in Leo, IN.
The young group girls’ Bible study will be this coming Tuesday starting at 7:00 in the Gathering Room. Bro. Matt Kaufmann and Bro. Brian Suiter will cover part 2 of the “Be Still and Know” podcast series. Bring your Bibles and hope to see you there. 😊
The guys’ Bible study will be at the same time and will be at Bro. Rick and Sis. Stacie Bauman’s home.
There has been some inquiry as to the CD that was produced as a gift to the elder wives the week of the conference. It is a collection of various performing music groups of our Goodfield congregation. These CD’s will be made available for the public to purchase around the end of September. They will be placed at the message center upon arrival, and you can purchase as many as you wish by leaving cash or a check made payable to “Rejoice Distribution”. We will keep you posted on availability.
There have been many texts, emails, and letters of thanks to the Goodfield congregation for the love and care that was shown to the elders, their wives, and many others during the week of the conference. We will be posting a few of the notes on the back hall bulletin board.
Sunday School begins September 8th. Please sign up 3 year olds in the back hall. Children are eligible if they are 3 by September 1 and potty-trained. See Sis. Serena Bauman or Sis. Becky Roberts with questions.
We will have our Adult Friends Bible Study in the month of September. It will be each Sunday morning in September beginning on Sept. 8 (not Labor Day weekend) at the Fellowship Hall. Bro. Kurt Plattner will be leading these studies.
For those who have picked up the missionary prayer cards in the past, there are updates at the information center. If you do not have a packet and would like one, please let Bro. Dale Wyss know and he will get you one.
Pam Knapp has turned her life over to Jesus in repentance. Please be prayerful for her as she grows in Christ. Pam is the wife of Ken Knapp who is the son of our Sister Wilma Knapp. Some of you went to school with Pam as she was a Snyder and her parents owned Snyder Hardware in Eureka. We are very thankful that God is still calling souls to Him. 😊
Ramp Doors next Sunday (9/1) – Russ Wiegand & Denny Blunier
Apostolic Christian Church