Our collection boxes are open this month for Gateway Woods Children’s’ Home in Leo, IN.
We want to thank you all again for an amazing conference week bringing glory to God and loving together as Jesus loves! We won't begin to try to list individual thank you’s for the selfless acts that we saw in the past week (and months prior to that), because we won't know where to end and will leave someone out unintentionally. We also realize that there were many things done that we won't ever even know about. So, thank you! Thanks for giving of your time, your talents, and sharing the love of Jesus. We were blessed by each of you, and we will never know the extent of the blessing that your actions were to so many others.
We will have the convert class Sunday afternoon during afternoon services on August 11th and August 18th. Bro. Jeff Wiegand will be leading these classes.
Everyone is warmly invited to an “On The Farm” Gospel sing from 6-7:30PM on August 24th in Cissna Park (354 N 1300 E Rd, Cissna Park) featuring the nationally-touring Southern Gospel group, The Down East Boys. The evening is being hosted by Loving Shepherd Ministries. All are welcome and no tickets or RSVP is required but a freewill offering will be taken. There will be free ice cream, snacks, and drinks so bring the whole family. Please contact Joe Gerber at 260-273-2153 with questions or visit loving-shepherd.org/gospelsing19. The event is indoors in a climate-controlled environment, so you’ll be comfortable rain, shine, or heat!
We are thankful to announce the wedding engagement of Sis. Serena Bauman to Bro. Zach Wiegand. May God bless this new couple as they become one. Serena is the daughter of Bro. Rick and Sis. Stacie Bauman and Zach is the son of Bro. Brad and Sis. Karen Wiegand.
Berean Prison Ministries will be holding their annual banquet on Sept. 12th at 6:00pm at 5 Points in Washington, IL. This year’s banquet will include the testimonies of those that have been converted in prison through the service of brethren that have shared a Bible and the truth of God’s Word. One brother was recently baptized in the Peoria Congregation after spending 20 years in prison. Gracia Burnam will also share her story of being held hostage along with her husband for over a year in the Philippines after 9-11. Gracia was wounded and her husband was killed during their rescue.
We are looking for volunteers to help serve at the banquet. We are especially encouraging young groups to get involved to serve on Sept. 12th at 5 Points in Washington, IL at 6:00PM.
If you are willing to serve or if you are interested in attending, Please contact: Bill Schick
520-395-6000 call or text
More banquet information: https://bereanprisonministries.org/events-2/
Ramp Doors next Sunday (8/18) – Derek Roth & Ted Taufer
Apostolic Christian Church