Five people lost their lives in a fire outside of Goodfield Saturday night. Please keep the families of those who died in your prayers.
We will open the collection boxes this month for our local Charity fund. Many lives are affected by your giving to this fund. If you know of anyone in need, please see one of the Charity fund committee members. They are: Bro. Nathan and Sis. Laura Wiegand, Bro. Chris and Sis. Liz Schmidgall, Bro. Duane and Sis. Vermeda Friedinger and Bro. Erik and Sis. Carrie Wiegand.
We plan to have our adult topical Bible presentation each Sunday morning in April except for Easter Sunday. This will be at the Gathering Room and will start at 10am. Bro. Jeff Wiegand will conducting the class this month.
The trustees would like to thank everyone that helped with the outside cleaning of our church facilities. There will be future work projects taking place on and around the buildings as the year progresses. We were able to complete a large amount of work in a short period of time. Thank you again for the hard work and fellowship we enjoyed.
HarvestCall projects will be on Tuesday at the Fellowship Hall from 9-noon. Babysitting is provided. We would love for you to join us!
We would like to invite ALL girls and women of Goodfield church (ages 0-100) to a special morning of love, fellowship, and bonding. The ladies’ brunch will be held this Saturday, April 13 at 9:00 am at the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up at the message center if you can attend! If you have any questions, please see Sisters Emily Sauder or Jennifer Stoller.
Bro. Kurt Plattner will be conducting our monthly Bible study this Wednesday. His topic will be “Think on These Things” with a focus on Philippians 4.
There will be singing at the Eureka Home this Saturday starting at 6:45pm. Everyone is welcome.
Our Sunday School Easter program will be held next Sunday during afternoon services.
The Heart House is having their Spaghetti supper and Bake sale. This year we have been asked to make pans of bars. There is a signup sheet at the message center if you feel moved to help in the Lord's work. The bars need to be at the Heart House by noon on April 25th which is the night of the supper that goes from 3:30 PM until 7:30. If you have questions, please see Sis. Gretchen Zimmerman.
Sunday, April 28th will be our next Family Hymn sing at 6 pm. It’s our annual spring invite a church and pie night. Congerville church will join us. Sign-up sheets are at the message center. See Sis. Lori Wiegand with any questions.
Please be prayerful for Sis. Verna Hartter as her brother Harvey Martin passed away recently. His funeral is today at the Washington AC Church. Also, please keep Bro. Austin and Sis. Rachel McClure in your prayer as Austin’s grandma Sis. Sharon McClure was laid to rest this past Friday. Mae Kelly also lost her sister Carolyn Kelly on March 30th. Please keep all of these families in your prayers.
We are very thankful to announce that Bill Koepnick is at peace with God and man and desires baptism. Please pray for him and encourage him during this most important time in his life. If you have any words of encouragement or concerns, please contact him. We plan to have Bill’s testimony and baptism on Tuesday, April 16th starting at 7pm. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
Ramp Doors next Sunday (4/14): Greg Wagner & Les Bauman
Sunday School Collection item for April: Lg. Garbage Bags & Kitchen Garbage Bags (Heart House)
Apostolic Christian Church