In September we will be collecting for Apostolic Christian HarvestCall. It exists to enable the brotherhood to come together and proclaim Christ & serve others, in the US, Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe and other places as the Lord leads. Many hurting people throughout the world need our help to be lifted out of spiritual and material poverty. Although what was once two organizations —World Relief and Mission Committee — are now integrated into one, our needs did not decrease. In fact, mission opportunities are expanding as brethren hear and respond to the Lord’s call. Thank you for your love, prayers and generosity. They are critical to our mission.
Help is needed unloading trucks at the Eureka Food Pantry this Tuesday starting at 12:30pm.
The Bible Class has ACYF practice this Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Fellowship Hall.
We will be having singing at the home this Saturday starting at 6:45pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
This is just a reminder that Sunday school will resume on Sunday, September 9. Please be prayerful for the Sunday school teachers and students as we begin a new year.
Our next family hymn sing is planned for Sunday, September 23rd at Bro. Larry and Sis. Lori’s Lakehouse Cabin. We plan to have a wiener roast at 5:00 pm followed by a 6:15 pm singing. The special group that evening will be our Bible class. Food signups will be at the message center. Also please bring a lawn chair for the singing. Any questions please see Sis. Lori Wiegand.
The young group parent supper will be on Sunday, September 30th at the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to Sis. Mallory Bauman If you and your parents will be able to be there.
The Bluffton Church is hosting an older single sisters weekend on November 3rd and 4th. Whether you are thirty and enjoying your career or sixty-five and thinking about retiring, always single or single again, raising children or enjoying nieces and nephews, you are invited! The intention of the weekend is encouragement and fellowship. We do NOT want this weekend to focus on singleness, but rather on God's faithfulness. We want to give everyone the opportunity to connect with old friends and perhaps make a new friend. We hope you can come! Click-here for more details.
Sis. Amber Ehnle has decided to make Goodfield her home church. Amber lives in Morton. Sis. Amber, we are thankful to have you’re here.
We are very thankful to announce that Sabrina Glueck is at peace with God and man and desires baptism. Please pray for and encourage her during this most important time in life. If you have any words of encouragement or concerns, please contact her. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
Apostolic Christian Church