Our October collection is for Hospital Lumiere in Haiti. Please consider giving to this very worthy cause.
The Apostolic Christian HarvestCall benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday, November 9th at Five Points in Washington. The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, see the announcement on the church bulletin board or visit the HarvestCall website. Or see Bro. Greg and Sis. Jill Wagner.
We plan to have testimonies and baptisms for Toby Plattner and Sydney Swords October 27th and 28th. Bro. Marvin Dotterer plans to be with us. It is Group 3’s turn to help. There is a sign-up sheet at the message center. If you have any questions, please see Sis. Dort Leman.
There will be a singing for the young group after baptisms at 6:00 at the Walnut Creek family center in Eureka.
The Eureka Home Benefit Dinner is Saturday, Oct 27. Tickets are now available at the Eureka Home front desk. There are many tables still available If you know of others from our neighboring churches that may want to come please encourage them. It may take a little extra effort on our part since we are having testimonies that evening. Supper is served promptly at 6:00 so it is possible to make it to testimonies at 7:00 if you are interested.
The Goodfield all-church invite a guest weekend is November 18. If you are planning to attend, please sign up at the message center.
It’s time to sign up for rotating potluck. If you would like to participate in church potluck it is a great way to get to know our church family better. Signups to host and attend are at the message center! If you have any questions please see Sis. Joni Zacha or Sis. Jennifer Stoller.
Hardin County, Texas will be the location of our next Winter Rebuilding Ministry project. Homes will be built or repaired for those unable to recover on their own from 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. And, as we do, we’ll be sharing the gospel message of salvation. Volunteers will be needed from January 6th– March 29th, 2019. Registration will open at noon Central Time on November 15 on the HarvestCall website.
Apostolic Christian Church