The elders had their Illinois regional Elder meeting Saturday in Bloomington. The scripture in Psalms 55:14 was very evident among us. Psalm 55:14 “We took sweet counsel together and walked unto the house of God in company.” Some of the topics discussed were: Developing Spiritual leaders among our Brothers, The blessings of our ACYF Fellowship, HarvestCall sending and support (We “own” the missions that we have and need to support them) How to respond to the divisive political rhetoric in our Country in a God honoring way.
Our monthly collection is for the Eureka Home. We are thankful to have a wonderful place that cares deeply for our loved ones. Please consider supporting the home this month.
A benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for this Friday, November 9 at Five Points in Washington, Illinois. The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. This annual fund-raising auction is a critical part of Hospital Lumiere’s funding and your support is appreciated.
It’s time to sign up for rotating potluck. If you would like to participate in church potluck it is a great way to get to know our church family better. Signups to host and attend are at the message center! If you have any questions please see Sis. Joni Zacha or Sis. Jennifer Stoller
We will be having the Adult Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning in November starting at 10am. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or a neighbor. Bro. Kent Wiegand will be teaching the class.
The Bible Class will have ACYF practice this Wednesday night at the Fellowship Hall at 7:30.
There will also be ACTIVE for all other grades this Wednesday evening.
There will be singing at the Eureka Home this Saturday at 6:45pm. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Goodfield all-church invite a guest weekend is November 18. If you are planning to attend, please sign up at the message center.
Hardin County, Texas will be the location of our next Winter Rebuilding Ministry project. Homes will be built or repaired for those unable to recover on their own from 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. And, as we do, we’ll be sharing the gospel message of salvation. Volunteers will be needed from January 6th– March 29th, 2019. Registration will open at noon Central Time on November 15 on the HarvestCall website.
For our Conference recordings this week we are listening to Bro. Ted Witzig speak of “Our Identity in Christ”.
Apostolic Christian Church