For the month of August we are collecting for the Gateway Woods Children’s home in Leo, Indiana. Many young lives have been changed by this ministry.
The Home will be offering a CNA class beginning September 10th. The class is in the evenings and runs through November 2nd. There are a number of openings for the class and applications are being taken now. Becoming a Certified Nurse Aide is a special opportunity of fulfilling our call to servant hood and will be a big support in supporting our local church’s mission of serving our seniors. Please consider applying for this class by contacting the Home.
We will be having services at the Eureka AC Home at 8:45 each Sunday morning in December. Any support would be appreciated.
ACCFS is having another marriage seminar this fall. Cultivating Connections will be held in West Lafayette, IN. September 28-29. You can register on the ACCFS website or by calling the office.
All parents who have current 3 year olds please review the signup sheet at the Message Center. Indicate on the form if you plan on sending your child to Sunday school in September. When you review the signup sheet, please verify that your child’s name is spelled correctly and that their birthdate is correct. In order to be able to attend 3 year old Sunday school the child must be 3 years old by September 1 and be completely potty-trained. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the 3 year old teachers, Sisters Becky Roberts or Serena Bauman. Thank you.
The Silver Lining has been featuring special topical sections with submissions from our readers. You are encouraged to contribute. The next topic is: Mission work at home: what are ways to share Christ with your friends and neighbors? This is not to showcase your efforts, but to encourage others about the many opportunities that are available. Please send your contributions (length: no more than 600 words) on this topic to by Sept. 20, 2018. For questions or assistance, contact Bro. Samuel Manz at the email address above. Please consider helping to make this upcoming section of the Silver Lining a blessing to our readers.
We felt your prayers at the Elder conference recently in Gridley. There was a lot of critical doctrinal teaching and it is very important that we all listen and learn. We will be focusing on each talk later this fall. In the meantime, if you would like to listen to the entire conference including the moderator please let Bro. Jeff G. know and he will get you CD’s or a link where you can listen on your computer or phone. The individual talks are now available on AC Central under the events tab.
We rejoice with Jonas Wiegand as he has turned his life over to the Lord in repentance. Jonas is the son of Bro. Erik and Sis. Carrie Wiegand. May he feel God’s nearness and grace. We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion.
We rejoice with Bro. Austin & Sis. Rachel McClure as they were blessed with a baby girl, Penny Rae on August 15th.
Apostolic Christian Church